Quality Assurance

Firstflex Cables Ensures Quality

For over 50 years Firstflex Cables has been supplying Industrial cable and components to the New Zealand electrical industry. We pride ourselves on our quality product, service, technical support, availability and fast delivery. Our cables not only meet the relevant AS/NZS Standards but must pass our own stringent quality assurance process.

Firstflex Cables Factory / Manufacturing

All Firstflex Cables made to AS/NZS 5000.1.2.3 standards have a comprehensive factory Qualification Test Report (QTR) which covers tests including –

  • Ageing of sheath and insulation
  • Conductor resistance
  • High voltage AC
  • Vertical flame propagation
  • Tensile strength before and after ageing
  • Elongation strength before and after ageing
  • Cable marking

Additionally, although not required by AS/NZS standards, Firstflex Cables also have these cables tested by a recognised third party testing facility such as TUV Australia, printed with the RCM mark, and loaded into the EESS / ERAC database for approved cables.

Firstflex Cables Distribution Centre / Inventory

At Firstflex Cables every drum from every shipment is inspected on arrival from the factory to the distribution centre for any sign of damage during transit, then before any cables are accepted into stock a sample of each size / series is sent through our inventory quality assurance program to check –

  • Overall diameter
  • Core colours and strip ability
  • Markings on drum and cable
  • Overall construction finish and flexibility

Firstflex Cables FirstTest / In – House Testing Process

In addition to the above Firstflex Cables has an extensive range of the latest testing equipment to create our in-house testing process called FirstTest.
With our comprehensive testing equipment FirstTest gives us an additional testing element in-house allowing our trained staff to constantly batch test our cables throughout the year for ageing, sheath thickness, conductor resistance, elongation and tensile strength.

You can always order with confidence when purchasing Firstflex Cables.
